My Summer 2019 TBR

Hey guys! Today I’d like to share with you some books that I want to read this Summer. I’m writing them here so that I can hold myself accountable and actually read them since some of them are definitely overdue.

Let’s get started!

War by Laura Thalassa


I don’t even know when exactly it’s coming out but I know it’s this Summer and I know I want to read it. It’s the second book in The Four Horsemen series by Laura Thalassa and I can’t wait to meet the second brother, War.

The Bronze Horseman by Paulina Simmons


I know you may sense a theme here but be assured, I’m not obsessed with horsemen!
The Bronze Horseman book has been on my TBR for ages and I’m probably going to buddy-read it so that I can finally cross it off my list of books I STILL have to read. It’s going to be weird reading about freezing Russia in the middle of my hotter-than-hell Italian Summer but we’re gonna make it work.

If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio


I had been eyeing this book even before its release date. I’m a huge fan of the author’s Tumblr and the story intrigued me a lot. Then this past February I read The Secret History by Donna Tartt and a book that’s often recommended because it has similar vibes is If We Were Villains. Needless to say, I bought it and now it’s sitting on my shelf waiting to be read.

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt


Did someone say Donna Tartt? After The Secret History I realized I needed to step up my game and also read her two other works. I’m choosing this one because the movie is coming out in September and I need to be ready. (Side note: the trailer for said movie looks stunning!)

Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney


I loved Normal People by this author and so it seems only right for me to read her first novel. I really hope to like it.

The Wicker King by K. Ancrum


An alternate fantasy world and me trying to understand what is real and what is not for 300 pages, well yeah, sign me up! This book intrigues me so much. I’ve heard some mixed reviews and so I cannot wait to finally read it and form my own opinion.

That’s it for today! Of course I hope to read a lot more but these are the books that are definitely on top of my TBR and that I really hope I get to read. Are you interested in a full review for any of these titles? If so let me know. And also write down what’s on your Summer TBR pile.
