

If you’re here you probably know us from our Bookstagram page Booksrealwhenshared. If not, go give us a follow!

We’re a team of four Italian friends who initially decided to open a Bookstagram page so that we could share our passion with the world, one book at a time. Instagram is lovely and all but we felt like we wanted something more, a space where we could talk freely and at length about books, but also about films, music and TV shows, other things we deeply enjoy. That’s how the idea of this blog came to be.

We are four very different people and that’s why we thought it would be a good idea to present ourselves to all of you.


Samuele is a book hoarder but we love him anyway. He’s nice and all but don’t you dare break the spine or dog-ear one of his books, he won’t ever forgive you!  He’s the master of face journeys and has a taste for spoilers, they find him and he just can’t resist reading them! If you want to meet him you can probably find him wandering through the shelves of our favourite bookshop, we think he probably lives there but he’s too afraid to tell.




Martina is a classic books’ lover. She also reads YA, contemporary, historical and fantasy books. She loves gushing about her favourite red-headed Scottish highlander. You can often find her laughing about Mr Darcy’s memes. She’s our Jane Eyre, no net ensnares her.





Silvia is the go-to person if you want to gush about your favourite OTPs. She loves YA-contemporary and romance-filled fantasy books. She always finds herself falling in love with characters who have daddy issues and she’s obsessed with fan casting every person in a book.
You can often find her reading on the bus daydreaming about her book crushes (most of the time it’s Will Herondale, but can you really blame her?).



Emma is our Hermione Granger and Christmas queen. She’s calm and collected but she has the hots for guys with pointed ears. But I mean, have you ever read Sarah J. Maas’s books? It’s not entirely her fault if those Faes are so dreamy. Her Goodreads challenge is probably the biggest you’ll ever encounter in your life, she reads A LOT. Long may she read.



If you’re interested we also have a book club on Goodreads. We read a different book every month and we talk about it on our Goodreads group.

We are open to suggestions from you guys and please bear with us while we get the hang of all this.

We hope you like our content and if you do, feel free to subscribe to our newsletter so that you never miss a post!

the Booksrealwhenshared team