Big Books TBR

I love buying books (duh) and I’m not usually scared by the amount of pages a book has. But I must admit that when I find myself choosing a new book to read, I tend to reach more for the ones that have an average number of pages. I don’t enjoy the commitment big books demand, that’s probably what it is. But I’m still interested in the stories they offer and that’s why I’m giving you a list of the big books I want to read this year.

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas


I’m going to try and read it in March when it comes out. I liked Sarah J. Maas’s previous books, but I don’t really know what to expect here and I’m a little afraid I’m not going to like it. Let’s hope that’s not the case!

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara


I’ve had this book on my bookshelf since it came out. The plot intrigues me, even though I know it’s going to be a book that makes me cry. I probably have avoided reading this because of some mixed reviews I’ve heard, but I still want to give it a chance!

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy


Well, I know what Anna Karenina is about. I’ve seen the movie adaptation multiple times and so I know the gist of it. I’m just afraid I’m going to get bored because I already know so much. But I think this book also has the potential to be a great read for me.

The Little Friend by Donna Tartt


In 2019 I read The Goldfinch and The Secret History by Donna Tartt and I enjoyed both of them. I think The Little Friend is the next logical step. The thing that scares me is that from just reading the plot this sounds like the less appealing Donna Tartt’s book to me.

That’s all for today, I really hope to read these titles in 2020. Do you like big books? What are some big books you want to read? Let me know in a comment down below.


2 thoughts on “Big Books TBR

  1. I’ve read Anna Karenina. I did like it, although I liked the film adaptation too, and I think definitely summarises & shows the story pretty well. I persevered with reading Karenina for that sense of achievement of finishing a Tolstoy! Older, longer books are definitely harder to read but I wish you luck!

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    • Thanks! I’ve recently read Anna K, which is a YA retelling of the original story, and it did definitely prompt me to give the classic a chance. Hopefully, I’ll get around to it in the Summer 💪

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