Reading the 3 Lowest Rated Books on My TBR #1

I saw this prompt on BooksandLala channel and I thought it was such an interesting twist to give to a TBR. I decided to read the 3 lowest rated books on my Goodreads TBR. If they are on my Want-to-Read list it means I’m interested in reading them and so this is as good an excuse as any to read books from my endless TBR.

I’m going to be completely honest and say that I’m pretty sure that not all the books I’m interested in are on my Goodreads TBR at the moment. But since I aim to make this prompt a little series here on the blog, please bear with me this one time and I promise to fix this for the next TBR.

So, at the moment my Goodreads says that these are the lowest rated book on my TBR:

Schermata 2020-04-13 alle 15.55.33

For this TBR I didn’t obviously consider the books with no rating since they are books which aren’t coming out until later in the year or 2021.

life of elves


The Life of Elves by Muriel Barbery

Well, I’m a little surprised about this one. I read The Elegance of the Hedgehog years ago and I remember enjoying it. I know this one is a totally different thing, but I did not expect to see this as my lowest rated book.


we are totally normal

We Are Totally Normal by Rahul Kanakia

This book is a new release that came out at the end of March. At first, I was very interested in this title, but then I heard some very mixed reviews about it and so I must say I’m not really surprised that this has this kind of average rating. But I’m still very curious to check it out and to form my own opinion.


summer of love and misfortune


My Summer of Love and Misfortune by Lindsay Wong

This is a bit unusual since this book hasn’t even come out yet. I really don’t know why this novel has low ratings, maybe it’s also because not a lot of people have read it yet and so the situation might change when the book is out and the rating balances itself out.


The challenge I’d like to set myself is to read these three books by the end of Summer.

I already own The Life of Elves in Italian, so that’s great. I also received an ARC for My Summer of Love and Misfortune and so this is probably the first book I’m going to read for this challenge. I don’t know what to do about We Are Totally Normal, I need to buy it but unfortunately at the moment BookDepository isn’t shipping to my country due to the pandemic and Amazon does not have it in stock. I’m probably going to wait and see if it becomes available in the next few weeks, otherwise I’ll get the eBook.

That’s all for today, I hope you like this challenge. What are the lowest rated books on your TBR?


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