Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer – Review

artemis fowl

Title: Artemis Fowl

Author:  Eoin Colfer

Synopsis (from Goodreads): Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is a millionaire, a genius, and above all, a criminal mastermind. But even Artemis doesn’t know what he’s taken on when he kidnaps a fairy, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit. These aren’t the fairies of bedtime stories—they’re dangerous!

Rating: 4/5 stars

The following review is completely spoiler-free, enjoy!

This was more a re-read for me, because I already read the first three books of the series like ten years ago. Since the movie adaptation came out a couple of weeks ago, I decided to go back into this amazing story in order to give my memory a little refresh. Luckily the book was as good as I remembered, but I could not say the same for the movie.

The first thing that everyone is fascinated by in this series is the fact that Artemis, the main character, is a twelve-year-old boy and a crime genius. I had always seen these novels in bookshops, and I couldn’t help myself but feeling curious about them. Finally, I got the chance to read the first three books and I understood why it was so praised and loved by everyone. Artemis is a genius, for sure, and you can’t do anything but admire him for his extraordinary mind. I completely loved his character and the bond that he developed with Butler, his assistant. They are a pretty comic duo and I found myself laughing out loud even while I was re-reading it.
Another character that I loved was Captain Holly Short. She is a fairy, she can kick your ass, and she definitely won’t wait for your help. I liked how she had to create her own path in the manly world that is LEP and how she stood out from everyone. I don’t remember many things about the following books, but I hope she can reach the top of the LEP because she deserves every single thing.
One of the things I liked the most was the world building. Under the earth live so many different populations that we cannot see and they keep helping us with anything. In addition, I loved the description Colfer gives us of Ireland. I so want to take a journey to that place to admire its landscapes and its nature, it seems so beautiful!

One last thing I’d like to talk about is the movie adaptation. I was very very eager to see it because I have waited for it for so long (not 12 years at Azkaban, but close) and then everything just disappointed me. Artemis was terribly flat and didn’t have anything in common with the genius we see in the books. In fact, at the beginning, sometimes it seemed like Butler was the mind behind the teenager. Not to mention that they changed practically everything and mixed two and a half books in one movie, creating such a confusion that makes every single thing even more terrible. I was expecting a little more from Disney. Now I hope they won’t do another disaster with the adaptation of Percy Jackson. I cross my fingers.

So, these were my opinions about the first novel of the Artemis Fowl series and about its movie adaptation. If you would like to let me know your opinions about them, just leave a comment here! Thanks for reading!
