Do I Own that Book Trope? – Book Tag

Hello guys! Today I’m back with a book tag which was originally created on Booktube by Robbie from And His Nose Stuck in A Book.

It’s quite a long tag, so let’s get started right away!!

1) Love Triangle/Love V – A Book Featuring a Character with Two Love Interests.

I’m not the biggest fan of love triangles to be honest. The first thing that comes to mind is Twilight, but we all knew that Edward was the one. If there’s one book which I feel like used this trope really well is Clockwork Angel and the whole Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare.

2) Enemies to Lovers – A Book Featuring Two Characters That Begin as Enemies & Then It Turns into Love/Lust.

For this one I’m gonna say Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston. The enemies part isn’t that long, but the lovers part is just so good! Totally recommend it!

3) The Chosen One – A Book Featuring a Character Destined to Save Everyone/The World.

Carry On by Raibow Rowell! I’m getting kinda bored with the chosen one trope lately, but this book still is one of my favourites.

4) Found Family – A Book Showing Characters Creating a Chosen Family from Friends & Those Closest to Them.

The found family trope is one of my favourites and I could probably do a whole post just talking about books with it.
Is anyone surprised if I answer this question with The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune? This novel gives me all the warm feelings and I cannot wait to do a reread.

5) Grey Morality – A Book Featuring Characters That Don’t Appear Either Good or Bad.

This question’s a bit tricky. At first I was thinking about a dark academia book, but the actions in this kind of books are usually just bad, let’s be real. Maybe Six of Crows is a better fit for this one. The characters of the book do illegal things but I get why they do them and so I wouldn’t say they are bad people.

6) Competitions, Games or Tournaments – A Book Featuring One of These as A Core Element Directly Involving The Characters.

Hands down, The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic. This book revolves around Exy, a game that the characters play in their college varsity team.

7) Sibling Rivalry – A Book That Contains Siblings Pit Against Each Other.

I don’t like books where siblings don’t go along, so it’s quite difficult for me. I think I’ll go with the Lynch brothers from The Raven Boys. Their relationship is quite complicated, but I like how it’s evolving in the new Dreamer trilogy.

8) Revenge Plot – A Book That Contains a Character/Characters Whose Motivation Is Fuelled By Revenge.

I think Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie might be a good fit. If you haven’t read it and you don’t know anything about the story, let’s just leave it at that and let’s just say that this book is about revenge.

9) Here Comes the Cavalry – A Book That Just When Your Protagonist(s) Is Going to Lose Here Comes the Unexpected Help.

I’m going to say Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas. There were so many high-stakes moments in this novel and I was on the edge of my seat for some of them.

10) The Dark Lord – A Book Containing a Character Who Appears to Be Doing Evil for Evil Sake.

I wouldn’t say that they do evil things just for evil sake, but to be honest the only novel that comes to mind is Vicious by V.E. Schwab.

11) The Orphaned Protagonist – A Book Featuring a Character Whose Parents Are Either Dead Before or at the Beginning Of A Book.

Again, Carry On by Rainbow Rowell and The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune. I’m not really sure about the parents situation in Klune’s books, but I know they’re not in the picture, so that’s why I’m picking it as an answer.

12) The Quest – A Book Featuring the Main Protagonists Going On A Journey For A Particular Goal.

For this one I’m going to say The Wrath and the Dawn by Renée Ahdieh. Shazi doesn’t go on an actual journey, but she goes to the palace with a specific goal in mind, that’s for sure.

13) Friends to Lovers – A Book Featuring Two Characters Who Have A Friend Dynamic Who Eventually Develop A Romance.

Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett is such a good friends-to-lovers story!

14) The Book Loving Character – A Book Featuring a Character Who Loves Reading Books.

One of my favourite books is The Book Thief by Markus Zusak and Liesel, the main character, is such a book lover!

15) Amnesia – A Book Featuring a Character Normally the Protagonist Who Suffers From Amnesia.

Nothing comes to mind, like NOTHING. I think I’ve never read a book that features amnesia. In a way, it makes sense, I don’t like this trope so that’s probably why.

16) Magic School – A Book Featuring a School Setting of The Magical Variety.

I haven’t read it yet, but I know that A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik features this trope.

17) The Bad Boy Character – A Book Featuring a Character Who Is Bad/Brooding Acting Character Most Commonly Paired With A Sad/Tragic Back Story.

I’m gonna say Warner from the Shatter Me series. He definitely has a tragic backstory and at the beginning of the series he has lots of things to work through.

18) Resurrection – A Book That Features A Character Who You Thought Was Dead, Is Back Back Back Back Again.

Cassandra Clare featured this trope in one of her books. I’m not gonna say which one because it might be a spoiler for some people, but yeah, I remember her using this trope.

19) Redemption Arc – A Book Featuring A Character Who Was Previously a Bad/Evil Character Who Wants To Change.

Let’s go with a Christmas classic and say A Christmas Carol by Dickens!

20) Forbidden Love/Romance – A Book Featuring A Romance That Can’t Work.

A Discovery of Witches features this trope. Matthew is a vampire and Diana is a witch and it seems like everyone has something to say about their relationship.

We’re at the end of the tag, thank you so much for reading! Talk to you soon!


3 thoughts on “Do I Own that Book Trope? – Book Tag

  1. This looks like such a dun tag! I also thought the love triangle in Clockwork princess was done well!
    Cassandra Clare does keep reviving her characters all the time and in so many ways, I just wonder how she comes up with them but also, it’s sort of getting repetitive now 😦

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    • Yeah, I do agree with you. That’s probably the reason why I didn’t really enjoy her latest novel, Chain of Iron. I think she’s just using some tropes that she knows have worked well in the past, but personally as a reader it doesn’t feel like anything new is happening in the story

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