The Spring Has Sprung Book Tag

Hi guys, today I’d like to do a tag, and what better than a Spring vibes book tag? I mean, I can only get vibes, since today in my country it does not feel like Spring at all, but yeah, a girl can dream. Also Spring is my absolute favourite season (minus my allergies) so I thought it would be a great idea to do this tag.
The original was created by The Naughty Librarian on Youtube, if you want to check it out.
So yeah, let’s get started.

1. Flowers: All the flowers we remember are blooming again. Pick a book that’s a fresh take on a retelling.
I think my favourite retelling to this day is Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge. It’s a Beauty and The Beast retelling, and I liked it a lot because it has some of the most classic twists and turns of the original fairytale, but it’s also completely different and it has elements of Greek mythology, too, which for me is always a plus in a book. It’s very dark and mysterious and I really enjoyed it.

cruel beauty

2. Mini Eggs: Obviously the superior springtime candy of choice. Pick a book that you consider to be a sweet treat.
For this one I think I have to go with By The Book by Amanda Sellet. I read an ARC of it last year, and for me it really captures the definition of “warm and fuzzy feelings”. The literary component is adorable, and in addition to first loves, first crushes and wonderful friendships, it makes for a lovely book.

by the book

3. Allergies: Seasonal allergies often make your eyes water. Pick a book that made you cry.
The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller made me cry. Like a lot. Like in public. In a university classroom. It was not fun. But this book is amazing, one of my favourites of all time. If you like Greek mythology and epic (also romantic) stories, this is for sure the book for you. You will fall in love with it, I can guarantee that.

the song of achilles

4. Spring Cleaning: Out with the old and in with the new. Pick a book to unhaul.
As soon as I can I will unhaul Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I honestly did not like this book, and I have no intention to continue this series, so yeah, I will say goodbye to it very soon.


5. Spring Break: It’s the perfect time for an adventure. Pick a book involving a road trip.
How can I not feature Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell? This is the sequel to Carry On and it features our main characters on an amazing road trip through the USA. I did not like this book as much as the first one, but I knew that as soon as I picked it up. Nothing can compare to the first one for me. But it was fun and entertaining and the road trip part was cute and enjoyable.

wayward son

6. Mating Season: It’s that time of the year in the animal kingdom to make some babies. Pick a book with smutty delights.
I seriously love this question oh my God ahahaha. One of the cutest but at the same time smuttiest book I’ve read in the last few months is The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare. If you like historical romance, this is the book for you. I really love how Tessa Dare writes love stories, they’re so fun, cute and adorable. This in particular has a bit of Beauty and The Beast vibes, so that’s also something I really enjoyed. Also yeah, smut on point.

the duchess deal

7. Rainbows: Spring is made of rainbows! Pick a book featuring LGBTQ+ character(s).
Let’s change up a bit and instead of always saying the first books that come to my mind, I will go with The Binding by Bridget Collins. I won’t say much because everything could be a spoiler, but just know that I loved this book with all my heart. I didn’t expect to love it so much, but I did. It was absolutely amazing, mesmerizing, and with so much angst. I love angsty books, what can I say?

The binding

8. Spring Awakening: An amazing musical even though it’s filled with completely dysfunctional characters. Pick a book that’s also filled with completely dysfunctional characters.
I mean – is this question about The Secret History by Donna Tartt? Because I feel like it is. That book is honestly amazing, one of my favourites of all times, but the characters in that one are dysfunctional to say the least. You will want to scream at them, but you will also love them a lot, believe me.

the secret history

9. In like a lion, out like a lamb: Pick a book series that didn’t get better as it progressed.
I will go with a classic answer, but it’s just the truth. Freaking The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. The first two books were just very good and then? What was that third book? 16-year-old me was pissed. That ending was just not good, guys. We don’t talk about that book in this house, sorry. What a disappointment.

the hunger games

Okay, guys, we have come to the end of this tag. I hope you enjoy, if you want to answer some of these questions feel free to do so in the comments, I would love to hear your opinion.
Talk to you soon,