OMG! That Song Book Tag

If you follow this blog, you know that one of my passions beside books is music, so what better than combine these two things and do a tag that centres around both? The original tag was created by Katesbookdate on Youtube and it immediately caught my eyes while I was searching for some fun tags to do, so let’s get started.

My Jam: A song you have to listen to no matter how many times you’ve heard it before and a book you’ll never get sick of reading.

As a song I would have to say “Wonderwall” by Oasis, it is my favourite song of all time probably and I will always sing my heart out when I listen to it, and a book that will always have a special place in my heart and I could re-read any day is for sure “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë. It’s just the book of my heart, and while it talks about some very ugly situations, I think it’s one of the best books ever written.

wuthering heights

Throwback: A song that reminds you of the cringiest time of your life and a book you read that you wouldn’t like if you were to read it now.

Cringe music does not exist, if you like a song, you just like it, so being that out of the way, I’ll answer with a very good song that reminds me of a period where I was very cringe, and that song is “Complicated” by Avril Lavigne. I love the song, me trying to be pop-punk at eleven, not so much. And a book I probably wouldn’t like a lot if I read it now would be “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green, I think my taste has changed a bit.the fault in our stars

Replay: A recent song that you have on repeat and a recent favourite book.

You belt your heart out singing “answer the phone, Harry you’re no good alone” or you lie. My favourite recent song is certainly “As It Was” by Harry Styles, I love his music, and this comeback really was fantastic. Can’t wait for “Harry’s House” on May 20th. And for a recent favourite book, well, I simply don’t have one. This year is not the best for me in terms of enjoying what I read, it’s a bit sad.


Gets Me: A song that is literally me and a book that is me in book form.

This is so difficult, but in the end, I will say that I’ve always felt like a piece of myself was in the song “Clean” by Taylor Swift. I know it’s a song about finding oneself after a break-up, but I always felt like it was more than that, maybe with even some hints about mental health, so I’ll say that one. As a book, that’s quite difficult, so I will change it a bit with a book that is “me” because I left my heart there, and I will go with “Clockwork Princess” by Cassandra Clare. I feel like that book encapsulated so many of my emotions while I was reading it.




WUT: A weird song that you like anyway and a unique book that stuck out to you for some reason.

This song is a bit weird but it’s one very close to my heart, and I’m talking about “Sunflower, vol. 6” by Harry Styles. It’s one of my favourite songs ever of him, but I also remember the first time listening to it and thinking that this was so weird and cute and funny. And a unique book that I read was for sure “Daisy Jones and The Six” by Taylor Jenkins Reid. The format in which it is written, through interviews, is so compelling to read and so different from everything I’ve ever read, and this is one of my favourite books of all time.


daisy jones and the six



Let’s Go: Pick your best pump-up song and a book that inspires you.

I know I will change my mind soon but for now all I can think about is “Shut Up and Dance” by WALK THE MOON, it always puts me in a good mood. And I don’t know if a book really “inspired” me, but I was very inspired by some beautiful writing, so I can name some authors whose prose I love, for example André Aciman, Donna Tartt and Sally Rooney.


Chill: Your best relaxing song and a book you’d curl up with on a rainy day.

My best relaxing song is for sure “Willow” by Taylor Swift, it’s one of my favourite Taylor’s songs of the last few years, but I could have gone with every single song from Folklore or Evermore. I chose “Willow” because it is so fairy-tale like, it really meets my taste. And for the book I chose one I literally read in one or two sittings on a rainy day, and that’s “Love and Other Words” by Christina Lauren. This friends-to-lovers romance just broke my heart and then put it back together (I also think this is a Taylor’s lyrics from another song. No, kidding, I know for sure, this is “How you get the girl”, Taylor Swift, 1989 [2014], my mind works like that).

love and other words


Addicting: a guilty pleasure song and a guilty pleasure book.  

I really don’t like to define things guilty pleasures, but I will say my guilty pleasure song is “Bodak Yellow” by Cardi B and my ““guilty pleasure”” read could be the Tessa Dare books, but like I said I don’t really believe in guilty pleasures, I think you just like what you like.

Nostalgia: A throwback song you remember fondly and a book you read and loved when you were young.

“Decode” by Paramore and “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer. If you weren’t here with us in this hellhole in 2008 I’m really sorry for you. That’s all I’m gonna say.


Okay guys, that’s it for this tag, I really hope you enjoyed it, and I’ll talk to you soon,


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