The Stranger Things Book Tag

Hey readers! I don’t know if you like it as much as I do, but Stranger Things is one of my all-time favourite TV series! I just love every single aspect of it: the plot, the characters, the atmosphere, everything is always on point. And even if I didn’t like the second season, I think that this series is written in such a good way that it is able to keep my eyes glued to the screen all the time. I cannot wait to see the second volume of the fourth season, I hope it will be as good as the first one.
So, since the first volume of the fourth season was released a couple of weeks ago, I thought it could be fun to do a book tag related to the TV series! The original tag was created by Sarah Sunbeams on Youtube, here you can find the video. Without further ado, let’s start!

1. EPIC INTRO. The opening sequence of Stranger Things is amazing and really grabs your attention. Name a book that grabbed your attention from the first page

I think for this answer I’ll go with “Strange the Dreamer” by Laini Taylor. The prologue was just exquisite and even if I don’t remember much about the book, I still remember where and when I started reading it and how interested I was about it. Let’s be honest: my mind is terrible; I don’t remember much about the books I’ve read, and I also struggle a lot every time I start reading a novel because I can’t really remember a thing about the first pages. But with Strange the Dreamer it’s different, Taylor wrote such an enigmatic yet powerful beginning that I still can remember how I felt while reading it.

2. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. Name a fantasy world you would like to experience yourself

Well, well, well, this question is challenging because I have many answers. I would like to say the world from “Shadowhunters” (that I know it’s the same as ours with the possibility to see different creatures, but Alicante and the Seelie Court are something that I would so like to visit), the parallel worlds that appear in the second and third volume of “His Dark Materials” by Philip Pullman and also the different planets that are described in “Aurora Rising” by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff. I know I should pick one but it’s impossible for me.

3. SQUAD GOALS. When Eleven met Mike, Dustin and Lucas it was a *mostly* perfect team. Name your favourite bookish group of friends

For this question, there would be many answers that in my mind sound perfect, but if I have to pick just one, I think I’ll go with Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase and Nico Grover from the book series written by Rick Riordan. They are simply amazing and I have always adored how Riordan portrayed them. And now that they have announced the TV series adaptation, I cannot wait to see how it will turn out. The cast is so lovely and I’m already rooting for all of them.

4. ABC’s & CHRISTMAS LIGHTS. Joyce Byers goes mad with grief after Will goes missing. Name your favourite mentally unhinged character

This question screams “Six of Crows” by Leigh Bardugo from the first letter. Let’s be honest, I think that almost every single one of the Dregs could perfectly fit here, Kaz in particular. I just love all of them so much and I miss seeing them on the page. I finished reading the duology a couple of months ago and I still think about them. I know that there are many rumours about a possible third book and I don’t know whether to be happy or worried about it. I just hope that if it will come out it won’t be a disappointment.

5. THE UPSIDE DOWN. Name a book that was the opposite of what you expected

I have a couple of answers for this question: “Lore” by Alexandra Bracken, “Wilder Girls” by Rory Power and “My Year of Rest and Relaxation” by Ottessa Moshfegh. I could easily sum up all of them with: great idea, not-so-great execution. I had really high expectations for all of them but, unfortunately, they didn’t meet my taste.

6. MAD SCIENTISTS. Dr. Brenner likes to get freaky with humanity. Name the freakiest dystopian government you can think of

Well, what’s better than “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley? The first chapter, where the reader is introduced to how that world works and how every single person is created in a bottle has fascinated me since the first time I read it. I also think that I need to make another special mention: “1984” by George Orwell. I have to admit that even this book had a great impact on my mind.

7. DEMOGORGON. Name a scary bookish creature that you would not want to come through your walls

Even if I never finished reading the book, I’ll go with the clown Pennywise from IT by Stephen King. I remember reading this book early in the morning and being scared by that creature. I know that it’s just fiction, but for so many days I kept looking behind my back to be sure that nothing was following or watching me.

8. CLIFFHANGER ENDING. Name a book that left you wanting more

Here’s the thing: do you remember when early I told you that I don’t remember the plots of the books I’ve read? Keep it in mind when I tell you that the answer for this question is “The Atlas Six” by Olivie Blake. I don’t remember many things about this book (not even the names of the main characters) but I know for sure that when I closed this novel I wanted more. I will definitely re-read it before the sequel comes out, but I cannot wait to see what Blake has in store for us because “The Atlas Six” is just brilliant.

So, these were my answers for the Stranger Things Book Tag, hope you enjoyed reading about them! Now, tell me, which is your favourite character of Stranger Things? Let me know your answers with a comment down below! Thanks for reading.