Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas – Review

Title: Crown of Midnight

Author: Sarah J. Maas

Synopsis (from Goodreads) An assassin’s loyalties are always in doubt but her heart never wavers Assassin Celaena Sardothien won a brutal contest to become the King’s Champion. But she is far from loyal to the crown. Though she hides her secret vigilantly, her deadly charade becomes difficult when she realizes she is not the only one seeking justice. No one is above questioning her allegiance not the Crown Prince Dorian; not Chaol, the Captain of the Guard; not even her best friend, Nehemia, a foreign princess with a rebel heart. Then, one terrible night, the secrets they have all been keeping lead to an unspeakable tragedy. As Celaena’s world shatters, she will be forced to decide once and for all where her true lovalties lie … and whom she is willing to fight for.

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

This review contains major SPOILERS!

Wow, this is the first thing I could possibly say after closing this book. This story is leaving me speechless and astonished by how well-written and designed it is. But let’s talk about it better.

Let’s start with my main thoughts about the plot. What I really enjoyed about this book was how well constructed it was and how everything fell into place page after page. I was shocked when I saw how tiny little details and things that appeared in the previous book were now useful and not mere objects that appeared from nowhere. I could see how Maas had these novels planned out and I’m so happy about that. Not to mention her writing style, it is captivating like no others and I ended up reading something like 300 pages in less than two days. I can’t explain you enough how glad I am that I finally started reading this series.
Also, I’d like to praise how this second novel was so balanced in terms of action, revelations and romance. Everything kept me glued to the pages and I couldn’t stop reading, I just wanted to know more things every second I read. And let me tell you how heartbroken I am to see Chaol and Celaena split apart after what happened to Nehemia. I was rooting for them and I was so interested in seeing where their relationship was heading that when everything changed, I felt my heart split in two.
Now, let’s talk about the major spoiler of this book. Unfortunately, I spoiled myself some things about Crown of Midnight. One of them was Nehemia’s death. Even though I already knew her destiny, I wasn’t aware about how it happened and all the subplots that were behind it and I must say that I was still shocked about all the things we discover about her plans. About Celaena’s true identity, I will tell you this: the first time Maas mentioned about this lost princess Aelin I already figured out it could probably be Celaena and I had my confirmation when I saw a post on Instagram yesterday in which there was a candle with this name and the image of Celaena. Let’s say that I half-spoiled it but I didn’t mind because when I read the last chapter Maas was still able to surprise me with how well planned was her next destination and I had to wait her explanations to finally figure out where the story was heading. I was so surprised that I couldn’t even believe it myself.
The last thing I’m going to talk about is Dorian’s magic. I understood it thanks to the different hints that Maas left here and there in this book, but when Celaena finds out that he has magic too and she has a calm reaction, I felt it a bit too unrealistic. I don’t know, I expected her at least to be surprised, but this is something related to my own personality.
In March I will read the Assassin’s Blade and after that I cannot really wait to uncover what Maas has in store for us with her future books, I’m so excited!

So, these were my opinions about Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Mass, hope you liked reading about them. If you would like to let me know your own thoughts about this book or what I said in this review, just leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!