WWWednesday #17

Hey Readers! I know, it’s been a while since my last WWW and in the meantime I had the chance to read a couple of books, but don’t worry, I’m back with a new article about the novels I’m reading and the ones I would like to get to. So, let’s talk about them!

What are you currently reading?

At the moment, I decided to finally try to read A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara. I’m still a bit scared by its hugeness but I’m so glad that her writing style is so fluent. I read almost 60 pages in one sitting and it feels a bit strange because these last weeks I had some difficulties reading. I so hope that this novel will help me with my reading slump.
By the way, apart from the writing style, I can totally say that this book is very intriguing and I’m so curious to discover more about the main characters’ stories and their past. Since it’s very famous on TikTok and Instagram I already know what to expect in terms of tears, but I’m ready to get devoured by this book.

What did you recently finish reading?

The latest books I read were a graphic novel and an essay, both by Italian authors. The first one was Macerie Prime by Zerocalcare, a famous Italian author of graphic novels and comics. This was my first approach to him and I can honestly say that I was very glad I had the chance to read something by him. The story was just the first of two parts and I can’t wait to find the right moment to read the second one. It was so deep yet so funny, Zerocalcare is so great at doing his job because he is able to capture the reality and its multifaceted surface but at the same time he is able to make you smile and lighten the tone. As soon as I can I think I will try to read all his past books.
The essay instead was a collection of articles about the LGBTQIA+ community called Questioni di un certo genere. I really appreciated it because it helped me to open my eyes on subjects and topics I knew few of or that I wasn’t aware at all. I was really interested in it also because it was full of so much information and useful graphics that helped me understand even more.

What do you think you’ll read next?

I think I’ll probably celebrate the fact that this time I know what I’m going to read and I have the entire month planned. First, while I’m reading A Little Life I’m going to read also our book club pick for this month, which is A Witch’s Guide to Fake Dating a Demon by Sarah Hawley. I don’t know why but I feel like I’m in the right mood for this book and I cannot wait to start reading it this weekend. After that I’ll definitely get to Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas and continue my challenge. After the ending of the last book, I’m very curious to see where the author will lead us in this new installment. I hope so much it will be packed with action and mysteries like the previous ones.

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!