WWWednesday #18

Hey Readers! Welcome back to my monthly update about the books I’ve read and the ones I’d like to read next. Summer is always a great time for my reading plans, so I hope to get to as many books as possible. Let’s take a look.

What are you currently reading?

Right now, I’m almost near the 25% of Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas. I’m happy to say that I’m enjoying it and that I’m so eager to know more about what’s going on in Antica. The author has created some interesting plots and subplots full of suspense and she has my full attention. It was also very lovely to meet Yrene again and finally see more about her past and her current life at Torre Cesme. I so hope that she and Aelin will be able to meet again in the following and final book. I just wish to see them reunited!

What did you recently finish reading?

Recently, I finished reading two books and re-reading a graphic novel. The first one is The Membranes by Chi Ta-Wei. I just loved it so much, it is probably one of my favourite books of 2023 and I’m so grateful that I picked it up. Even though it was a very short novel, the author was able to make me feel all kinds of emotions. I was so interested all the time, it was very entertaining to see Momo’s life and her past, especially her relationship with her mother. Not to mention when we arrive at the major plot twist of the entire novel. I was completely blown away, I guessed a couple of things but I didn’t expect it to be this massive and heart-breaking. The entire book was simply perfect.
The second novel I read was our book club pick for this month, Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater. I will post an article with a full review at the end of the month, but right now I can tell you that it was really cute and I really enjoyed it. I had so much fun following the main characters and their stories.
The other book was Nimona by ND Stevenson. This was a re-read because I loved the movie adaptation and I couldn’t miss the chance to re-read one of my favourite graphic novels. The movie was so beautiful and lovely and even if it doesn’t follow the main story of the book, it’s still so well done that I strongly suggest it to you, if you haven’t watched it yet. You won’t regret it!

What do you think you’ll read next?

My reading plans are difficult to organise as usual. I think that as soon as I finish reading Tower of Dawn I will immediately dive into the last novel of the Throne of Glass series, Kingdom of Ash. The main reason is that it’s a very long book and I’m afraid it will take me the entire month to read it. I’m also already thinking of a solution that will help me read it faster. After that I think I’ll need something cute and fluffy to relax. I still haven’t decided which book, but I’ll let you know what my choice was in the next WWW.

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

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