The Fairy Tale Book Tag

Hey guys, how are you? I haven’t done a tag article in so much time, so I felt like it was time to do so, and to unite two of my favourite things, fairy tales and books. There’s nothing I love more than a classic fairytale retelling, the tropes, the atmosphere, the drama of it all, everything just calls out to me.
This tag was created by Rachel Reads on Youtube and I will leave her channer here.
I hope you enjoy it and let’s get started.

1. Rapunzel – A long book you gave five stars (over 450 pgs).

This is very easy for me, The Secret History by Donna Tartt, one of my favourite books of all time, and the blueprint for the dark academia genre. It’s so compelling, you won’t even feel the 559 pages it is composed of. It’s a lyrical masterpiece, and a compelling story I will think about forever.

the secret history

2. The Little Mermaid – A book that took your breath away

Literally The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides. I don’t read a lot of mystery books but when I do, I try to search the ones that could appeal to me more, and I loved this book to pieces. Most of all, the plot twist really shocked me, as I didn’t see it coming at all. Sometimes I still think about it and how good it was. Really mind-blowing.

the silent patient

3. Swan Lake – A book with the theme of sacrifice

I literally don’t want to sponsor this author on this blog, so keep in mind I stand apart from everything J.K. Rowling says or does as I could not be more far from her way of thinking, but I can’t help but think about the Harry Potter series. What I want to get from these books, and what I want to remember them by are the mesmerizing acts of love that the characters put in act in order to save the ones they love. And that’s all I have to say.


4. Rumpelstiltskin – A book that changed you

This is a huge question to which I have a simple answer, since it can’t be everything else for me: Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. It mesmerized little 12-year-old me and made me see literature in a way I had never seen it before. I always loved to read and to discover new stories, but that one made me want to study this subject for real in my life, and I still think about the very gentle lady that recommended me this book in the bookshop. I hope she’s good and I’d love for her to know she changed everything for me, and I will forever be grateful.

wuthering heights

5. Cinderella – A book with a self-sufficient character (but not snobby)

I’m not sure I get this question 100% but I’ll go with Feyre from the A Court of Thorns and Roses series by Sarah J. Maas. She is used to do everything on her own and to provide for her sisters, she’s literally the rock in the family and she deserves everything.

a court of thorns and roses

6. The Twelve Dancing Princesses – A long series you love (or) a book with a lot of characters

Why not both? And why not another Sarah J. Maas book series? The Throne of Glass series is one of my favourites of all time and I grew so close to all of the characters (and they are a lot). They feel like real people to me and in those seven books I grew so attached to them, it’s insane to think about. I’d gladly read another seven books of their lives.


7. Sleeping Beauty – A book with a slow plot

For this one I for sure have to say one of my most recent reads: Sword Catcher by Cassandra Clare. I usually love her writing, but this book was just too slow, and the plot really started at the 70% of the novel, and that is just too late in my mind.


8. Mulan – A book with a lot of action

I usually do not read a lot of action-packed books, so my first answer is for sure The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins, a book I read when I was a teenager, and the most popular in that dystopian phase the editorial world had for a while. It for sure is full of action, and it’s never boring.

the hunger games

9. Aladdin – A book that transported you to a whole new world

Love the song reference in this question. And for this one I would say every Sarah J. Maas’ book, but for the sake of variety, I will say The Cruel Prince trilogy by Holly Black. I loved the fairyland, Elfhame, and its lush atmosphere, it really seemed to be there, and I love everything remotely folkloristic.

the cruel prince

10. Alice in Wonderland – A frabjous book with a great cast of side characters

For this one I have to go with Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid, the main character is Daisy for sure, but it reads like a choral novel, where each and every single one of the other characters has literally its own voice and a great role in the overall plot. I will forever love this book with my whole heart.

daisy jones and the six

11. Wild Card – Your favourite fairy-tale retelling couple

It is a mostly unknown book, but I’ll perish on this hill and say that Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge is the best Beauty and the Beast retelling to this day, so the main couple in this book is my answer for this. They are dark but fit to the story in the real way a fairy-tale couple should be, and the book per se is amazing.

cruel beauty

Okay guys, these were my answers to this tag. Let me know if you enjoyed it and please let me know which is your favourite fairy-tale in the comments.

Thanks for reading,


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