Choose a The Tortured Poets Department cover variant and I’ll recommend you a Dark Academia book

Hey there guys, how are you? You very well know that every time something Taylor Swift related comes out, I’ll be ready to talk about it. And maybe recommend you some books in the process.
Today we’re doing a fun little experiment, since I decided to recommend a Dark Academia book for every cover variant of The Tortured Poets Department that Taylor has announced.
Since of course the album will be out on April 19th and therefore I still haven’t listened to it, this article will go on vibes alone (hence the Dark Academia) and I will write a different book recommendation type of article with every song and bonus track when the album will be out, so keep that in mind.


Variant #1: “The Manuscript”

The very first variant, the one that sent the Internet into a frenzy, the one nobody expected, and for this one I decided to go with THE Dark Academia book, The Secret History by Donna Tartt. It’s solid, it’s the classic, there’s a reason it is considered the pillar in this genre, and I still agree this is one of the best books I’ve ever read in my life. And TTPD is giving classical, it is giving literature, and it is giving masterpiece. A win-win.



Variant #2: “The Bolter”

The Bolter variant to me is softer in vibes, but it’s giving more “thinking about what makes one person sad” kind of vibes. This one strongly gives me The World Cannot Give by Tara Isabella Burton vibes. Sadness and anger, and what triggers the both of them, are very strong themes in this book, and it also depicts a very deep-felt insight about female rage, which I’m sure Taylor is also going to include in her new album.




Variant #3: “The Albatross”

This is maybe the variant I’m most excited about, will it be Coleridge adjacent, or will it be Baudelaire? And most importantly, will it have the same themes as the lyrical masterpiece that is Weight of Living (Part 1) by Bastille? We just have to wait and see. And for this one, given the sea vibes, the lighter aesthetic and the cover, I decided to go with one of my favourite novels of the last years: Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro. It’s such a tender depiction of youth, friendship and humanity and I recommend keeping a box of tissues next to you.




Variant #4: “The Black Dog” (The Sirius Black Variant)

In my eyes this is the saddest and darkest variant of them all, and I’m sure its bonus tracks will make us cry our hearts out, but going with the vibes alone (as that is the theme of this article) I think this one goes well with the book I’m currently reading, An Education in Malice by S.T. Gibson. It’s a fantasy tale of vampires, lust, blood and wanting to be the best in every aspect of your life. It also deals with a poetry course at university, and you know, The Tortured Poets Department and all that, I think it’s quite fitting. I still haven’t finished it, but it’s an enjoyable read, even if it’s not blowing my mind.




Okay guys, these were my options for the four variants that Taylor announced for her upcoming album. I hope you enjoyed them, and please let me know your favourite variant. I think mine is a tie between The Manuscript and The Albatross.


Thank you so much for reading,



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