Pole Position by Rebecca J. Caffery – ARC Review

Title: Pole Position

Author: Rebecca J. Caffery

Synopsis: Red, White and Royal Blue meets Formula 1!

Kian Walker has always been the golden boy of motor sport. The four-time Championship winner has racing in his DNA – his father was a legend on the track, just dont let him catch you comparing the two. As reckless and unreliable at home as he was behind the wheel, theres nothing Kian wants less than to be just like his dad.

Enter Harper James. This years rookie called up to compete with the big boys – and Kians new teammate. Cocky, hot-headed and with a reputation for breaking as many hearts as he does new track records, Harpers the opposite of Kian in every way. But when the season starts, theres no getting away from him.

This might be one of the most dangerous sports in the world, so why then does Kians heart feel safer flying around the track at 220mph than when he’s anywhere near his teammate?

Rating: 3.25/5 Stars

An ARC of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

I’m at a point in my life where I get to know how sports work thanks to my reading preferences and not through actual knowledge from my everyday life and let me tell you, I’m not mad about it.

This sport romance is Formula 1 centered, which was nice and I would also say a novelty when it comes to this kind of genre. I know next to nothing about this sport but I think all the aspects were done pretty well and I didn’t feel like there were things that flew over my head. I especially enjoyed reading the high-stake moments when the races actually took place, it was definitely adrenaline inducing! 

But now let’s get to the characters of this novel, Kian and Harper, a four-time Championship winner and the young rookie driver who ends up in his team. The two are polar opposites in everything concerning their training, their behavior on the track, their routine, even how they celebrate their wins! But the more time they are forced to spend together, the more they get to know each other and along the way their relationship starts to shift and develop.

Overall I would say this book was an enjoyable read for sure and I enjoyed reading about Kian and Harper’s relationship, I only wish we could have seen more, especially when it comes to the emotional aspect of it. The two of them feel a physical attraction for each other, that much is obvious, and they also share some funny banter and emotional moments, but overall I felt like something was missing and some emotionally-charged scenes were too rushed for my taste.

Unfortunately I also found some of their dynamics a bit repetitive at times and since we get to see both their POVs I would have liked some more introspection on Harper’s part, especially considering all the trauma he has to unpack in order to fully trust Kian and be ready to be in a long-lasting and loving relationship.

All the remarks just mentioned are obviously personal preferences when it comes to romance and in the end I would honestly say that overall Pole Position was an entertaining read and I’m sure that lots of sports romance fans will enjoy it. Also, I don’t know if this book will turn out to be the first one in a companion series or something since there is a side-character who I think may be getting his own story… we’ll see about that, but if that’s the case, I’m so curious to see what his deal is.

Anyway, if you’re into Formula 1, you’re definitely in for a treat!


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