Books about Books

There’s one thing that a lot of us book lovers have in common and it’s reading books about books! That’s why I thought it could be nice to recommend you a few of my favourite books that in some way or another revolve around books, libraries, bookshops and so on.

Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley

Words in Deep Blue

This YA book is definitely one of my best reads of 2021. It’s set in a used bookshop where the two main characters work and where they also share lots of tender and beautiful memories of their early teenage years. Moreover, this novel tackles grief in such a realistic and complex way. I truly could not recommend this book enough!

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

the book thief

I could not leave out one of my favourite books EVER. I completely fell in love with this story when I read it years ago. Liesel and her love for books and for words are so unforgettable.

By the Book by Amanda Sellet

by the book

In this YA novel Mary, the main character, is a big fan of classics and she likes to compare the most known and beloved male leads of these stories to the boys of her high school. It’s all really fun even though sometimes it may lead to some misunderstandings. Also, I really enjoy the parts where Mary talks about books to her new friends and teaches them all she knows.

Tash Hearts Tolstoy by Kathryn Ormsbee


As you may have guessed from the title, this book revolves around Tolstoy, specifically around his most famous work, Anna Karenina. Tash is a teenager who is filming a Anna Karenina webseries with a modern and contemporary setting and the whole process is just so entertaining to read.

Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell


Last but definitely not least, I have to mention Fangirl. I know that probably everyone knows it, but I remember reading it when it came out and it was such a nice experience at the time. I really think that Cath’s love for a magical fictional world brought so much comfort to readers everywhere. Additionally, the story is very cute and Cath and Levi are adorable.

That’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed reading this article, if you have any recommendations please leave them down below, I would love to read them!

Talk to you soon,


Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer – Review

artemis fowl

Title: Artemis Fowl

Author:  Eoin Colfer

Synopsis (from Goodreads): Twelve-year-old Artemis Fowl is a millionaire, a genius, and above all, a criminal mastermind. But even Artemis doesn’t know what he’s taken on when he kidnaps a fairy, Captain Holly Short of the LEPrecon Unit. These aren’t the fairies of bedtime stories—they’re dangerous!

Rating: 4/5 stars

The following review is completely spoiler-free, enjoy!

This was more a re-read for me, because I already read the first three books of the series like ten years ago. Since the movie adaptation came out a couple of weeks ago, I decided to go back into this amazing story in order to give my memory a little refresh. Luckily the book was as good as I remembered, but I could not say the same for the movie.

The first thing that everyone is fascinated by in this series is the fact that Artemis, the main character, is a twelve-year-old boy and a crime genius. I had always seen these novels in bookshops, and I couldn’t help myself but feeling curious about them. Finally, I got the chance to read the first three books and I understood why it was so praised and loved by everyone. Artemis is a genius, for sure, and you can’t do anything but admire him for his extraordinary mind. I completely loved his character and the bond that he developed with Butler, his assistant. They are a pretty comic duo and I found myself laughing out loud even while I was re-reading it.
Another character that I loved was Captain Holly Short. She is a fairy, she can kick your ass, and she definitely won’t wait for your help. I liked how she had to create her own path in the manly world that is LEP and how she stood out from everyone. I don’t remember many things about the following books, but I hope she can reach the top of the LEP because she deserves every single thing.
One of the things I liked the most was the world building. Under the earth live so many different populations that we cannot see and they keep helping us with anything. In addition, I loved the description Colfer gives us of Ireland. I so want to take a journey to that place to admire its landscapes and its nature, it seems so beautiful!

One last thing I’d like to talk about is the movie adaptation. I was very very eager to see it because I have waited for it for so long (not 12 years at Azkaban, but close) and then everything just disappointed me. Artemis was terribly flat and didn’t have anything in common with the genius we see in the books. In fact, at the beginning, sometimes it seemed like Butler was the mind behind the teenager. Not to mention that they changed practically everything and mixed two and a half books in one movie, creating such a confusion that makes every single thing even more terrible. I was expecting a little more from Disney. Now I hope they won’t do another disaster with the adaptation of Percy Jackson. I cross my fingers.

So, these were my opinions about the first novel of the Artemis Fowl series and about its movie adaptation. If you would like to let me know your opinions about them, just leave a comment here! Thanks for reading!


Alice Oseman’s Novellas Reviews

Hey readers! Last month I read Solitaire by Alice Oseman and since I’m up to date with Heartstopper (that I love soooo much), I decided to read the two novellas that are related to this book. They are “This Winter”, a prequel, and “Nick and Charlie”, a sequel. So, without further ado, let’s start!

*Beware, the following reviews contain spoilers from the novellas, Solitaire and Heartstopper*

This Winter

Title: This Winter (Solitaire 0.5)
Author: Alice Oseman
Synopsis (from Goodreads): I used to think that difficult was better than boring, but I know better now… I’m not going to think about the past few months, about Charlie and me, and all of the sad. I’m going to block it all out. Just for today. “Happy Christmas, ” I say. The festive season isn’t always happy for Tori and her brother Charlie. And this year’s going to be harder than most.
Rating: 4/5 stars

This story was a little prequel of the main novel by the author. It introduces and follows the three Spring siblings and what happens to them at Christmas. I’m very interested in knowing more about Charlie and Tori, because they are two of my favourite characters of this fictional world (along with Nick).
I love how Tori is so protective with Charlie and she is always so good with him. After all he went through, Charlie deserves better, but his parents and relatives aren’t the best option right now.
For the first time I could experience what it is like to be in Charlie’s mind. I always read what he says in the graphic novel but I never got the chance to know more about his behaviour and his thoughts, but with this story I started getting a glimpse of them and I did enjoy them.

Nick and Charlie

Title: Nick and Charlie (Solitaire 1.5)
Author: Alice Oseman
Synopsis (from Goodreads): Everyone knows that Nick and Charlie are the perfect couple – that they’re inseparable. But now Nick is leaving for university, and Charlie will be left behind at Sixth Form. Everyone’s asking if they’re staying together, which is a stupid question – they’re ‘Nick and Charlie’, for God’s sake! But as the time to say goodbye gets inevitably closer, both Nick and Charlie question whether their love is strong enough to survive being apart. Or are they delaying the inevitable? Because everyone knows that first loves rarely last forever…
Rating: 4/5 stars

If I got the chance to experience what it was like to be in Charlie’s mind with the previous novella, now I finally know what it is like to be also in Nick’s mind. And I loved it. Even if it’s based on a huge misunderstanding, this novella is the celebration of Charlie and Nick’s love. I can’t help myself but ship them, they are the best couple ever. I can’t stop loving them, whatever they do. Also, I was so happy to see that Charlie, two years after his relationship with Nick, was starting to feel better after his illness. It filled my heart with happiness and joy. This couple will (and has to) last forever and I couldn’t be gladder than that.

These are my opinions about these two novellas, hope you enjoyed reading them! If you would like to let me know your own thoughts about them or you would like to comment what I said here, leave a comment down below. Thank you!


University Books Mini Reviews

Hi everyone! Since I’m a university student who attends literature courses, I decided to do some little reviews about the texts they required we read. In this article I’m going to review a novel by D. H. Lawrence, a novella by Henry James and a play by Mark Ravenhill that I read for my “Contemporary English Literature” course. So let’s start!

lady chatterley

Title: Lady Chatterley’s Lover
Author: D. H. Lawrence
Synopsis (from Goodreads): With her soft brown hair, lithe figure and big, wondering eyes, Constance Chatterley is possessed of a certain vitality. Yet she is deeply unhappy; married to an invalid, she is almost as inwardly paralyzed as her husband Clifford is paralyzed below the waist. It is not until she finds refuge in the arms of Mellors the game-keeper, a solitary man of a class apart, that she feels regenerated. Together they move from an outer world of chaos towards an inner world of fulfillment.
Rating: 3.75/5 stars

I must say that I didn’t expect this book to be so good. I liked reading about Connie’s relationship with Mellors and how her life changes more and more throughout the entire story. One thing that I didn’t enjoy was that sometimes it was a little too descriptive. There is a very long description in which we get to know that Clifford decides to dedicate himself to the coal pit and also another one where we see Connie going to one of their friend’s house. It was very boring here, I had difficulties in keeping my attention.
What I liked, instead, was Connie and Mellors’ relationship. I find them the perfect match for the other and even though I already knew how the story would end, I hoped the entire time that they would end up together.

The Beast in the Jungle

Title: The Beast in the Jungle
Author: Henry James
Synopsis (from Goodreads): Henry James, the master of psychological literature, is at it again disturbing readers with the story of a man who feels he might be missing something important in life — a man who also has a secret, the unstated in his life now which will affect the future. The woman who loves him says it’s “the sense of being kept for something rare and strange…” A complex and meaningful novella.
Rating: 2/5 stars

Oh Lord help me. These were the words I kept thinking while I was reading this story. This novella was very boring and uninteresting. We get to know almost immediately what the beast is and the only thing that is left are descriptions over descriptions over descriptions about nothing. I found this book to be an eternal circle that kept going on without any real ending. I couldn’t even get along with the main character, John, because he was incapable of understanding and live his life. Maybe I’m saying blasphemous things, and I’m sorry, but I didn’t enjoy this book at all.

Shopping and

Title: Shopping & F***ing
Author: Mark Ravenhill
Synopsis (from Goodreads): The plot follows a crowd of drifters and sex traders in a seedy area of London in the 1990s. Five main characters are linked loosely and intermittently and at the center of the play is an ever-changing love triangle of petty criminals. It is a gritty, grimy urban society, a depressing microcosm of drugs, shoplifting, prostitution, and sexual adventure. The characters have shunned morality and conduct hedonistic and destructive lives in this shocking, humorous, nihilistic play that examines a completely corrupted society.
Rating: 3.5/5 stars

I think that this play shocked me for sure. In-yer-face theatre was new to me and I didn’t expect it to be so bitter, nihilistic and cruel. It was difficult to read some passages and the characters do nothing to make you like them. Also, the surrounding doesn’t help, because this play is an attack to capitalism made by the author. But in the end, I liked reading this play and I would be very curious to see it on stage and mostly to see what people expressions were the first time this play was staged. You should try it, but I warn you: this play isn’t for everyone, sometimes it can be very heavy and terrible to read.

So, these are my opinions about the texts they required that we read in our course, hope you enjoyed reading them! If you have read one of these stories and you would like to let me know your thoughts about it, just leave a comment down below! Thank you.


Solitaire by Alice Oseman – Review


Title: Solitaire

Author: Alice Oseman

Synopsis (from Goodreads): In case you’re wondering, this is not a love story. My name is Tori Spring. I like to sleep, and I like to blog. Last year – before all that stuff with Charlie and before I had to face the harsh realities of A-Levels and university applications and the fact that one day I really will have to start talking to people – I had friends. Things were very different, I guess, but that’s all over now. Now there’s Solitaire. And Michael Holden. I don’t know what Solitaire are trying to do, and I don’t care about Michael Holden. I really don’t.

Rating: 4/5 stars


Beware, the following review will contain some spoilers!


I really enjoyed reading this book in the last few days. I didn’t expect the story to be like this, in fact I was quite surprised about what happened in there!

I think that the plot was pretty cool, I started it thinking it was just about Tori, her life, her struggles, her friends, Charlie and Nick and so on. But, in addition to that, there’s also a mystery! Not the kind of guess-who-killed-someone mystery, ok, but it’s still something that needs to be solved. I’m talking about Solitaire’s blog and the many things that happen around Tori. Someone is trying really hard to impress her by doing many different things. And the mind behind was none other than Lucas. It was a bit obvious; I was unsure if it was Michael or him, but in the end, I was 90% sure it was Lucas.

Talking about Michael, I loved him so much. He was so adorable and peculiar, I got along with him immediately. He was a bit funny sometimes, but still lovely. And I was so excited that he and Tori ended up together! They are one of my new favourite ships (even though Nick and Charlie are still in the first place, no doubts).

I have to admit that I started reading this book because I was curious to know more about Nick and Charlie. Heartstopper is such an adorable and amazing graphic novel, it’s quite obvious that I would be so interested in knowing more. Well, their story wasn’t all easy peasy lemon squeezy at all. In the graphic novel the author is still introducing the main challenge that Charlie will face in Solitaire. It was hard to read about his disorder, really hard. I hope he will feel better in the future. And with Tori on his side I’m sure he will have all the help he needs.

Last but not least, Tori. I got along with her really well since the beginning. Maybe because sometimes I feel like her or maybe it’s because of this quarantine, I don’t know, but I felt what she felt for almost the entire book. And her relationship with Michael was adorable. I so loved them!

So, these are my opinions about this book, hope you liked reading it! If you would like to let me know your own thoughts about the novel or you would like to talk about what I said in this review, leave a comment down below! Thanks.


Il Priorato dell’Albero delle Arance (The Priory of the Orange Tree) di Samantha Shannon – Recensione/Review


(English review is right after this one, keep scrolling!)

Titolo: Il Priorato dell’Albero delle Arance

Autrice: Samantha Shannon

Sinossi (da Goodreads): La casata di Berethnet ha regnato sul Reginato di Inys per mille anni. Ora però sembra destinata a estinguersi: la regina Sabran Nona non si è ancora sposata, ma per proteggere il reame dovrà dare alla luce una figlia, un’erede. I tempi sono difficili, gli assassini si nascondono nell’ombra e i tagliagole inviati a ucciderla da misteriosi nemici si fanno sempre più vicini. A vegliare segretamente su Sabran c’è però Ead Duryan: non appartiene all’ambiente della corte e, anche se è stata istruita per diventare una perfetta dama di compagnia, è in realtà l’adepta di una società segreta e, grazie ai suoi incantesimi, protegge la sovrana. Ma la magia è ufficialmente proibita a Inys. Al di là dell’Abisso, in Oriente, Tané studia per diventare cavaliere di draghi sin da quando era bambina. Ma ora si trova a dover compiere una scelta che potrebbe cambiare per sempre la sua vita. In tutto ciò, mentre Oriente e Occidente, da tempo divisi, si ostinano a rifiutare un negoziato, le forze del caos si risvegliano dal loro lungo sonno.

Voto: 4.5/5 stars

Grazie a Oscar Vault per averci gentilmente mandato una copia in anteprima.

*Attenzione, questa recensione contiene SPOILER del libro*

La prima cosa che mi sono chiesto è stata: come posso recensire un libro di 770 pagine senza scrivere un saggio di 30 pagine? Ancora non lo so, ma tento comunque. Iniziamo!

Devo ammetterlo, questo libro è stato una bella sfida per me, perché di solito non leggo libri così lunghi, ma lasciatemi dire questo: avrei preferito che questa storia fosse lunga altre mille pagine. Lo stile di scrittura dell’autrice è sorprendente e la traduzione italiana era perfetta. Non ho mai letto nulla di Samantha Shannon, ma dopo questa esperienza vorrei leggere seduta stante l’altra sua serie “The Bone Season” (in Italia si chiama “La Stagione della Falce”). L’autrice scrive in modo molto fluido e si prende il tempo necessario per narrare la storia. Può sembrare un pochino lenta a volte e troppo focalizzata sul descrivere ogni cosa, ma è proprio questo quello che ho apprezzato di più della sua opera. La Shannon non sta solo raccontando una storia, la fa vivere in prima persona al lettore e i dettagli sono quello che la rendono più reale che mai.

Per quanto riguarda la storia in sé, ho adorato i quattro punti di vista e il loro alternarsi. Quello che però ho apprezzato più di ogni altra cosa sono le connessioni che troviamo qua e là nel romanzo. Quando si parla di grossi libri corali, quello che cerco sempre sono gli effetti che alcune azioni possono avere su altri personaggi principali e/o secondari. E questo libro ne era PIENO, ero in estasi.
Ead, Tané, Loth e Niclays sono i protagonisti (e i punti di vista) di questa storia e sono contento di dire che sono stati caratterizzati e sviluppati molto bene. Lo sviluppo che si vede nell’arco narrativo di Niclays mi è piaciuto molto, nonostante fosse il personaggio che apprezzavo meno. A essere sinceri l’ho odiato per quasi tutta la storia. E un altro personaggio con cui non mi sono molto relazionato è Tané. Non so perché, ma non mi riusciva apprezzarla tanto quanto Ead. Forse è perché la sua vicenda era un pochino più debole o meno interessante di quella di Ead. A ogni modo, devo dire che ho veramente apprezzato quando lei ed Ead hanno unito le forze verso la fine per fermare il Senza Nome. Uffa, avrei preferito che questo libro fosse più lungo.

Ultimo punto, ma non per importanza: Eadaz. Lei è sicuramente il mio personaggio preferito della vicenda e l’ho amata alla follia. È coraggiosa, intrepida, determinata ma è anche una perfetta amante. È pronta a sacrificarsi per chiunque ma soprattutto per Sabran. È un vero peccato che si siano dovute separare alla fine, ma spero davvero che un giorno si incontrino di nuovo e riescano a vivere assieme come si sono promesse. *Va in un angolo a piangere*

Dunque, queste sono le mie opinioni riguardo al libro. Spero vi siate divertiti a leggere questo articolo! Se vi va di farmi sapere cosa ne pensate di questa recensione o vi va di parlare del libro, sentitevi liberi di lasciare un commento qui sotto!


Title: The Priory of the Orang Tree

Author: Samantha Shannon

Synopsis (from Goodreads): A world divided. A queendom without an heir. An ancient enemy awakens. The House of Berethnet has ruled Inys for a thousand years. Still unwed, Queen Sabran the Ninth must conceive a daughter to protect her realm from destruction – but assassins are getting closer to her door. Ead Duryan is an outsider at court. Though she has risen to the position of lady-in-waiting, she is loyal to a hidden society of mages. Ead keeps a watchful eye on Sabran, secretly protecting her with forbidden magic. Across the dark sea, Tané has trained to be a dragonrider since she was a child, but is forced to make a choice that could see her life unravel. Meanwhile, the divided East and West refuse to parley, and forces of chaos are rising from their sleep.

Rating: 4.5/5 stars

An ARC copy of the Italian edition was kindly sent to us by Oscar Vault.

*Beware, this review contains SPOILERS from the book*

The first question I asked myself was: how can I possibly review a 770-page book without writing a 30-page essay? I still don’t know, but here I am trying to achieve it. So, let’s begin!

I have to admit that this book was quite a challenge for me, because I don’t usually read such long books, but let me tell you something: I would have preferred it to be a thousand pages longer. Gosh, the writing style was amazing, and the Italian translation was on point. I have never read something by Samantha Shannon, but after this one I would like so much to start reading her other series “The Bone Season”. The author writes very fluidly, and she takes her time to narrate the story. It may seem a little slow sometimes and too focused on the description, but this is exactly what I liked the most. Shannon isn’t just telling a story, she is making you live it and the details are what makes it more real than ever.

Talking about the story, I adored the four points of view. And what I enjoyed the most were the tiny little connections that appeared here and there in the book. When it comes to huge choral books, the thing I like to see the most is the effect that some actions might have on other main and/or secondary characters. And here the story is FULL of that. I was in ecstasy.
Ead, Tané, Loth and Niclays are the main characters (points of view) of this novel and they are very well characterized and developed. I was really pleased to see the development that Niclays has in his storyline, even though he was my least favourite character. To be honest, I really hated him for almost the entire novel. And another character I didn’t really get along with was Tané. I don’t know why I couldn’t like her just as I did with Ead. Maybe it was because her plotline was a bit weaker or less interesting than Ead’s. Anyway, I have to say that I enjoyed so much when she joined forces with Ead in order to stop the Nameless One. Gosh, I wish this story was longer.

Last but not least: Eadaz. This was my favourite character of the entire book and I loved her. She is brave, fearless, determined and also the perfect lover. She is ready to sacrifice herself for everyone but mostly for Sabran. It’s such a shame that they had to be separated in the end, but I hope they will meet again one day and will live together as they promised. *Goes in a corner to cry*

So, these were my opinions about this book. I hope you enjoyed reading this article! If you’d like to let me know your own thoughts about this review or you would like to talk about the novel, feel free to leave a comment down below!


Three Graphic Novels Reviews

Hey everyone! Hope you are feeling good and safe in your houses. For me staying at home means that I can finally read a lot of graphic novels and books! For this reason, I decided to give you three little reviews of the last graphic novels I read in these months. Let’s go!

All the synopsis come from Goodreads.


Pumpkinheads – Rainbow Rowell and Faith Erin Hicks

Synopsis: Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends. Every autumn, all through high school, they’ve worked together at the best pumpkin patch in the whole wide world. (Not many people know that the best pumpkin patch in the whole wide world is in Omaha, Nebraska, but it definitely is.) They say good-bye every Halloween, and they’re reunited every September 1. But this Halloween is different—Josiah and Deja are finally seniors, and this is their last season at the pumpkin patch. Their last shift together. Their last good-bye. Josiah’s ready to spend the whole night feeling melancholy about it. Deja isn’t ready to let him. She’s got a plan: What if—instead of moping and the usual slinging lima beans down at the Succotash Hut—they went out with a bang? They could see all the sights! Taste all the snacks! And Josiah could finally talk to that cute girl he’s been mooning over for three years… What if their last shift was an adventure?

This was one of my birthday’s gifts and I loved reading it so much! The drawings and the colours were absolutely amazing, I loved them so much. I really enjoyed reading about Deja and Josiah, they were just cutie pies. Deja was so much fun, and Josiah was very adorable, I shipped them since the very first page. I also liked how we could see the entire pumpkin patch during their journey and mostly how everything seemed so cool! I would so like to take a trip and go to this place, even though I’m not the greatest pumpkin lover.


Bloom – Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau

Synopsis: Now that high school is over, Ari is dying to move to the big city with his ultra-hip band—if he can just persuade his dad to let him quit his job at their struggling family bakery. Though he loved working there as a kid, Ari cannot fathom a life wasting away over rising dough and hot ovens. But while interviewing candidates for his replacement, Ari meets Hector, an easygoing guy who loves baking as much as Ari wants to escape it. As they become closer over batches of bread, love is ready to bloom… that is, if Ari doesn’t ruin everything. Writer Kevin Panetta and artist Savanna Ganucheau concoct a delicious recipe of intricately illustrated baking scenes and blushing young love, in which the choices we make can have terrible consequences, but the people who love us can help us grow.

Oh boy, this graphic novel was sooooo adorable. I read it from 2am to 4am because I couldn’t sleep, and I wouldn’t sleep anymore if I could read books  like this one. Even this time Ari and Hector are two cutie pies and I shipped them since the beginning. I had a soft spot for Ari because he needs to be protected from all the bad things of the world and also the bad things that happen to him.
The story was really cool, and heart-warming and the drawings were astonishing! They were coloured with a light blue palette that made everything even more beautiful. I need to re-read it right now!

the prince and the dressmaker

The Prince and the Dressmaker – Jen Wang

Synopsis: Paris, at the dawn of the modern age: Prince Sebastian is looking for a bride―or rather, his parents are looking for one for him. Sebastian is too busy hiding his secret life from everyone. At night he puts on daring dresses and takes Paris by storm as the fabulous Lady Crystallia―the hottest fashion icon in the world capital of fashion! Sebastian’s secret weapon (and best friend) is the brilliant dressmaker Frances―one of only two people who know the truth: sometimes this boy wears dresses. But Frances dreams of greatness, and being someone’s secret weapon means being a secret. Forever. How long can Frances defer her dreams to protect a friend? Jen Wang weaves an exuberantly romantic tale of identity, young love, art, and family. A fairy tale for any age, The Prince and the Dressmaker will steal your heart.

I also read this graphic novel in a couple of hours and in one sitting I just couldn’t stop reading it, because it was too beautiful. I liked how this story stands out from the other ones that talk about this particular topic. The drawings were really nice, and the two main characters have been adopted by me, because they’re too kind and good and they deserve all the love of this world. I also loved how it ended, seeing what happened really melted my heart.

So, these are three little reviews of the last graphic novels I’ve read, thanks for reading! If you’d like to let me know your opinions or to talk about these graphic novels, just leave a comment down below.


Friends Book Tag


Hey readers! Have you heard the news? There will be a special reunion episode of Friends! I am so excited and I’m really looking forward to seeing it. I must re-watch the entire series, right now. I’m over the moon because of this news and for this reason I decided to do a book tag related to this amazing tv series. This book tag was created by An Average Life and without further ado, let’s start!


A book based on a game or competition


This one is simple, I’ll go for Hunger Games, the first book that comes to my mind.

Organisation queen. How do you organise your books?

I must say that I’m very precise with my books and how I organize them. I have an entire section only for YAs and my favourite books, but every book in its particular section is classified by the surname of the author. I also have a list of all the books I have organised by alphabetical order. I know, I’m the organisation queen.



A book you read for the hype


I’m not sure whether to put Harry Potter or Hunger Games, but I think Harry Potter was the one I read for this particular reason.

Shopping addict. What makes you buy a book?

Is there a real reason why I shouldn’t buy a book. Nope, so any reason is good enough to buy one or more novels!



A science fiction book


Well, this is extremely simple: Illuminae is the only real answer for me.

On a break. Which books have you put down to pick back up later?

At the moment I’m doing this thing with The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon, not because I’m tired of it, but because it’s very huge and I’m not quite used to reading such long books. Also, because I have to read some other books for Uni or our book club (and I think you should check it out, because it is amazing! If you’d like to join us, you can find our group on Goodreads).



A book that made you laugh out loud

little women

Recently I laughed so much with the first part of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

That time at Space Mountain. Are there any books you’re embarrassed to admit you’ve read?

If I have to be sincere, no, I don’t think I’ve ever read something I should be ashamed of.



A scary book you’d keep in the freezer


IT by Stephen King, because I had to stop reading it at night. Too creepy.

V is for Encyclopedia. As an adult, have you read any books with words you had to look up to understand?

This is something that keeps happening, from the first time I started reading until now, and I think it will go on until the end of time.



A book with a spiritual or supernatural theme


Mmh, I think that Vicious by V.E. Schwab could be the perfect answer to this question.

The boycott. Are there any authors, booksellers or publishers you refuse to support?

I’m quite sure I will not support J.K. Rowling anymore. I cannot agree with the things she has said in the last few years.

So, this book tag has come to an end. I know it was originally longer, but I preferred to focus on the main characters. I hope you enjoyed it! If you’d like to let me know what you think about my answers or you would like to tell me what your answers would have been, write a comment down below. Thanks for reading!


My I-hope-to-read-these-books-for-real-in-2020 TBR

Hey readers! Sorry for the long title but it’s sadly true: every time I try to create a TBR I end up not following it or I don’t even finish the first book in time (AKA Winter TBR, I’m looking at you). Even in the TBR I created last January I didn’t achieve many books, maybe just one or two.
To avoid this problem I decided to create a TBR Jar, so I won’t buy books and I would read the ones I already have in my room! The idea is great but watch me buy too many books even in 2020.

Now let’s be serious. I made a TBR that is simple and easy to follow with the books or authors I would like to discover this year. Let’s take a look!


Cassandra Clare

A TBR can’t even exist without this woman and the bazillion books she has written. I still have to read four books and 10 novellas, and I hope at least to start reading the TDA series this year. These books are huge, and I already like that.


Leigh Bardugo

I haven’t read anything by this author, but I keep hearing good things about her works. For this reason, I decided that 2020 is the year I’m going to discover the Grishaverse. I hope I won’t get disappointed, mostly by Six of Crows.


Jay Kristoff

I’m a sucker for this author and I still haven’t finished reading Godsgrave and Darkdawn. SHOCKING, I KNOW, but the hype is everywhere, and I know I will finish this series within the end of the year. Not to mention that in May “Aurora Burning”, written with Amie Kaufman, will come out and I already know I will devour this novel.

At least a couple of contemporaries

I’m not the greatest contemporary reader but I quite enjoy them, because I can’t ALWAYS read fantasy, my brain would explode. So, I’d like to read a couple of books from my TBR Jar, like something by Alice Oseman or Karen Mc Manus, but I will find out in the same moment I pick a card from the Jar.


So, these are the books and authors I hope to read this year. I hope you had fun reading this article! If you would like to let me know your own TBR or would like to talk about my choices, let me know leave a comment down here. Thanks!


Birthday Book Tag

Hey readers! Last Saturday it was my birthday. Getting old is so terrible, I wish I could skip next year’s birthday and be forever this age. In order to celebrate that day, I decided to do a book tag related to this topic. I found it on the internet and it was created by Antonia •Always Books•. Let’s start!

A book with a plot that seems cliché but you adore it anyway


For this one I have to choose the book that I’m currently reading “The Priory of the Orange Tree” by Samantha Shannon. It may have a plot that could sound familiar to many people, but I’m enjoying it so much. When I start reading it I can’t put it down.

Your most anticipated book release this year

Aurora Burning

Because we are almost at the end of the year, I’ll talk about my 2020 most anticipated book. It won’t be so different from this year’s, because I choose “Aurora Burning” by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, the sequel to “Aurora Rising” (AKA my 2019 most anticipated novel and one of the most amazing books I read this year). If you haven’t read it yet, PLEASE do it for yourself.

A book that surprised you with how much you loved it

little women

This time I HAVE TO choose our book club pick of November. “Little Women (Part 1)” by Louisa May Alcott left me really surprised and pleased by how cute and fluffy it was. These 4 sisters are just amazing and I had so much fun reading about their lives.

A book that certainly deserved all the hype it got


“Nevernight” by Jay Kristoff is the only choice that suits this question very well. I don’t even have to explain why, if you have already read it, you know why I decided to put it here.

A book with some very beautiful and truly memorable quotes

clockwork princess

Even this time I don’t need to tell you why I decided to choose “The Infernal Devices” by Cassandra Clare. I’m just going to cry some other tears about this series one more time.

A book that you read a long time ago, but you think that you would appreciate it more if you read it as a more mature reader

Sorrows Werther

A cliché-answer would be “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, but I decided to pick “The Sorrows of Young Werther” by Goethe. I read it (and adored it) many years ago and I’m so sure that if I will read it again in the future, I will love it even more.

A book that kept you incredibly happy during a sad or demanding period of your life


I think that Alice Oseman’s “Heartstopper” is the perfect choice for this last question. It’s all so heart-warming, cute, fluffy, lovely and every single beautiful thing that you can imagine. If you feel sad, just read it.

So, this book tag has come to an end. I hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know what you would have chosen or you just want to talk about my answers, leave a comment down here. Thanks for reading.
