WWWednesday #14

Hey Readers! Happy New Year! I wish you a 2023 full of bookish surprises and mostly full of interesting readings. Now, since it’s the beginning of the year, what better occasion than to start it with a WWW? Let’s have a look at the books I have read and the ones I will read in the following weeks.

What are you currently reading?

Right now, I started reading Secrets of Blackthorn Hall by Cassandra Clare. What a surprise, even in 2023 I’m still talking about Shadowhunters. Anyway, I know it’s not an “official book” but still I wanted to read it nevertheless, since I think it will be interesting to get some glimpses from the various series written by Clare. And also, because I like to read everything about a bookish series, I love extra chapters and bonus contents. I’m so happy to see that I’ve finally arrived at the last piece before the final novel of The Last Hours series comes out later this month, I’m so eager to read it!

What did you recently finish reading?

The last book I finished reading is Chain of Iron by Cassandra Clare. I must say that I really enjoyed it! There were some parts that felt like “already seen”, but when it comes to this author, I can’t help myself but love what she writes. The plot was very interesting and I wanted to know so bad how things would turn out after that ending in Chain of Gold. Now I have more questions than answers after THIS ending and I hope that the final novel of this series will be as good as the previous instalments. I’m crossing my fingers and praying that Chain of Thorns won’t be a disappointment.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Well, here we are in the most random and crazy part of the article, in which I will tell you what I’m going to read and then I’ll change my plans last minute. Jokes aside, I think these first months will be straightforward and will go as I already planned. I don’t know which book I’ll read first but one thing is sure: my next readings will be Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas, as I already told you in one of my previous articles (that you can read HERE), and Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors, which is our book club pick for this month. I didn’t know anything about this last book so I do hope it will be an interesting read.

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

WWWednesday #13

Hey Readers! Welcome back to another article about my reading schedule and the books I’d like to read until the end of the year. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the chance to read much in these months, so there won’t be much to talk about. Anyway, let’s take a look!

What are you currently reading?

At the moment, I’m reading our book club pick for the month of November, which is Spells for Forgetting by Adrienne Young. I’m so glad to say that I’m appreciating it, the plot is very interesting and well developed, I’m currently halfway through it and I’m so curious to know more about the various mysteries that surround Saoirse and the people that live on that island. Given the fact that we read Fable by the same author last year and I didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have liked, I was a bit afraid that this novel could have turned out to be another disappointment, but luckily this wasn’t the case and I’m more than happy that we gave another chance to this author!

What did you recently finish reading?

Okay, so I finished reading a couple of things in the last few days. I read Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare and I loved it. This new series is amazing and I can’t wait to know more about the following events in Chain of Iron! Another book I recently finished reading was an Italian one, Corpo by Silvio Valpreda. In this book we follow Alessandra and the struggle she has to face – the fact that her boyfriend died and was replaced by a clone. Comparing her behaviour to his, she starts thinking that she is a clone too and we follow her train of thoughts and the discoveries she unravels. It was an okay read for me, I liked the way the author dealt with the main topics of this novel, but if I have to be honest, I was hoping for something a bit different.

What do you think you’ll read next?

The last time, I closed the article with some predictions about what I was going to read next. I still will be reading The Lost Book of the White by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu, but apart from that I’m still not sure what I’d like to read. Now that I bought myself a copy of It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover (and yes, I fell into the TikTok trap) I’m constantly thinking about it and that I should try to fit it in my reading schedule before the end of the year. I would really like to give it a chance, since there is a lot of hype surrounding it, let’s see what the future weeks have in store for me.

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

WWWednesday #12

Hey Readers! Welcome back to another WWWednesday. It’s been a while since the last one I did, so I thought it would be a great idea to take a look at the books I recently finished reading and the ones I want to read next. So, without further ado let’s start!

What are you currently reading?

Finally, after so much time I’m almost up to date with Clare’s books. At the moment, I’m reading Chain of Gold, the first instalment in The Last Hours series. I’m happy to say that I’m enjoying it and I’m very curious to know more about its plot and its characters. I already knew some of them, like Anna, Matthew (my fav so far) and James, thanks to the novellas that were published in her previous books, but I still can’t wait to see them in action and finally know what the author has in store for them!

What did you recently finish reading?

The latest book I read was The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. I must say that at the beginning I wasn’t much fond of it, I was a bit sceptical about the main plot and the characters. Luckily, the second half of the book was much better and more interesting, I was captivated by it, especially the ending. I will for sure read the other books of this trilogy because I need to know how this story will end. Can’t wait!

What do you think you’ll read next?

Well, my TBR is very predictable. As I already said, I want to read all of the Shadowhunters books that I have left, so The Lost Book of the White will be one of my next reads for sure. I can also assure you that I will read our book club pick for the month of November, Spells for Forgetting by Adrienne Young, but the rest of my TBR is still to be developed. I will probably try to listen to an audiobook but I don’t know what to choose. I could probably go for the sequel to The Inheritance Games, even though I’m still not sure about this choice. I’ll tell you more in my next WWWednesday, so don’t forget to check it out!

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

WWWednesday #11

Hey Readers! It’s finally time for another WWWednesday! It’s been a lot of time since I did one of these articles, so I thought it would be a good idea to take a look at the latest books I read and to decide which ones I’ll read next. Let’s begin!

What are you currently reading?

At the moment, I’m currently reading two novels. The first one is Lord of Shadows by Cassandra Clare. Like the first instalment of the series, this is a buddy read with @trulyausten as well. I’m almost at the end of it but I can say that I’m pretty much enjoying it. I’m really eager to see what the author has in store for us in the last few chapters, I’m already shaking.
The other novel I’m reading is Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I’m halfway through it and I’m just loving it. I devoured the first half of the book, she writes in such an amazing way that it’s almost impossible to put the book down. After Lord of Shadows, I will definitely finish reading it!

What did you recently finish reading?

The latest books I read were: You Deserve Each Other by Sarah Hogle and The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie. The first novel was one of the books of the 12 Challenge; I have mixed feelings about it and I will tell you more about my opinion in one of the future articles. The other book was instead pretty average. I found some aspects of the book a bit unrealistic and, in my opinion, the other novels by Christie I read were a lot better. Anyway, all I have to say is that this is still an interesting story to read.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Okay, strange as it may seem, I already planned the books I’m going to read in the last part of August. I will definitely go on with The Dark Artifices series and read Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare. I’m so curious to see what will happen next, even though I already know a couple of major spoilers. The other book I’d like to read is This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone. I’ve been dying to read this novel since the first time I saw it on Goodreads, so I hope it won’t disappoint me. I have great expectations for it.
Finally, I would also like to read another book from the 12 Challenge: One by Sarah Crossan. I don’t know much about its story, just the plot from Goodreads, but I’m so ready to start reading it, I can’t wait!

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

WWWednesday #10

Hey Readers! This is the perfect time to do another WWWednesday, so we can talk about the latest books I’ve read and the ones I’d like to read next (I can’t believe I’m writing the tenth article about this topic). This time I’m doing better with my reading schedule, and the reading slump I was facing last month seems less intimidating, probably thanks to a book of which I’ll tell you more about. Let’s start!

What are you currently reading?

At the moment, I’m currently reading two books. I’m not the best person to do this kind of thing, but it was necessary. So, first I’m reading Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare. I’m doing a buddy read with @trulyausten and I’m really enjoying it! Clare is such a good writer and thanks to her novel I was able to defeat my reading slump because I couldn’t stop reading her book. Shadowhunters is such a good series and it made me realise that it’s probably my safe read.
I’m also reading Gente nel Tempo by Massimo Bontempelli. Since I took a break from reading Lady Midnight for a couple of days, I thought that it would be a great idea to read something completely different. And I’m SO happy I made this decision. Gente nel Tempo is really amazing and I’m pleasantly surprised to say so. Reading about the Medici family and their curse is so captivating and Bontempelli was really a good writer. I can’t wait to know how the story will end!
Oh! I was forgetting that I also started reading the second season of Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe. This comic is flawless, I just adore it.

What did you recently finish reading?

The latest books I’ve read were a novel and an Italian pamphlet. The first one is our book club pick for the month of May, which is Hotel Magnifique by Emily J. Taylor. Unfortunately, I’ve had contrasting feelings about it, I was expecting something more from it. If you would like to know more about our opinion, don’t forget to come back on our blog next week for the review, the fancast and the playlist that we created for that book!
The Italian pamphlet I read was Grass* by Elisa Manici. This short essay talks about fatness and how our society sees, and condemns, it. It was really interesting because it helps the readers to open their mind and be more aware of this important topic.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Well, that’s a good question. It will probably take me 10 more days to finish reading Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare, so I think that after that I’ll probably dive directly into Lord of Shadows. I just want to keep up with all the remaining books that Clare released until now, so that I will be able to read Chain of Thorns as soon as it will come out. I don’t think I’ll try to read something else, but in case I’ll change my mind, you will see what I decided to read in the next WWWednesday.

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

WWWednesday #9

Hey everyone! It’s time for our monthly article about the books I read and the ones I’d like to read next. I’ll be honest with you; unfortunately, I’m still facing a harsh reading slump. I’d like to read so many things but my head doesn’t seem to focus so well. I still don’t know why I find this activity so difficult, but I still hope to redeem myself in the following months! Without further ado, let’s take a closer look.

What are you currently reading?

So, at the moment I’m reading “Crooked Kingdom” by Leigh Bardugo. I’ve read 100 pages so far, and I’m enjoying it. I would really like to read more because I’m so curious to know more about the future of the Dregs. The author put so much stuff in this book that I can’t wait to see how she will work everything out. Probably it’s too soon to say it, but for now I think that “Six of Crows” is still my favourite. I don’t know, there was probably something special in that novel that glued me to the pages and made me read faster. Anyway, let’s see what the future days have in store for me, being at home for Easter will definitely help me focus on this book.

What did you recently finish reading?

The latest books I’ve read are two short Italian essays. The first one is “Perché il femminismo serve anche agli uomini” by Lorenzo Gasparrini. It is about the reasons why men should be feminists too and it gives some interesting analysis of our world, mostly looking at the Italian society. The other one is “LGBTQIA+” by Antonia Caruso. This is a particular essay made of short and fragmentary paragraphs that shows how this initialism is very important to the queer community and how the society perceives it. It was such a pleasure to read both of them, they were equally interesting and captivating and helped me a lot to open my mind.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Okay, so, I’m not really sure what I’d like to read next. After “Crooked Kingdom” I will definitely read our book club pick for this month, “Little Fires Everywhere” by Celeste Ng, because I’m so intrigued by it and I want so bad to know more about its plot. But, apart from that, I’m still not sure what will come next. After seeing the news about the movie transposition of “Nimona” by Noelle Stevenson I got a bit curious about the graphic novel, so I might give it a chance. After that, I don’t know, I could try to listen to an audiobook or I could pick a random book from my TBR jar. In any case, I’ll let you know next month in a new WWWednesday.

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

WWWednesday #8

Hey Readers! Welcome back to another WWWednesday. This month I’m doing good with my readings, given how much time I dedicate to them, and I’m also pretty happy with the things I decided to read. So, without further ado, let’s take a look.

What are you currently reading?

At the moment, I’m halfway through “Six of Crows” by Leigh Bardugo. OMG, I knew that almost everyone liked this book but I didn’t expect it to be this good. The plot is very interesting and captivating and the cast of characters is simply perfect. I love them all so much and I think Bardugo did an amazing job with their personalities. They are so different and unique and it’s almost impossible to not fall in love with them. I still don’t know what this book has in store for me, but I’m curious anyway to know more about how it will end.

What did you recently finish reading?

I recently finished reading The Houseplant by Jeremy Ray. It was a nice short story and I had a good time while reading it. If you would like to know more about my opinion, check my review out at this link. Apart from that, before Six of Crows I also had the chance to read a manga duology by Nagisa Furuya called My Summer of You. The story was so cute and lovely that I almost read both volumes in one sitting. I also loved the two main characters so much, they were the best. I would have loved to see more of their life, I would have even read another volume to know more about their future and where they ended up. If you haven’t read this duology, give it a try, it’s very very good.

What do you think you’ll read next?

My next reading will definitely be our book club pick for this month, The Astonishing Color of After by Emily X.R. Pan. I’ve wanted to read it for so long, so I’m eager to start reading it and to know more about the plot. I hope I won’t be disappointed. After that, I think I’ll probably read Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo. I must know what will happen in the following book not just because I am really curious to see how it will end, but also because my memory is terrible and before I forget everything I have to keep on reading.

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

WWWednesday #7

Hey Readers! Welcome to the first WWWednesday of 2022, I’m so excited to finally have the chance to do this kind of articles because they are my favourites. I would have liked to do one in January too, but I didn’t find the perfect opportunity. So, without further ado, let’s dive into it.

What are you currently reading?

At the moment, I’m almost at the end of Kazuo Ishiguro’s “Never Let Me Go”. I can understand why everyone keeps talking about it because it’s really amazing and I’m loving it. I will definitely write a full review in my next article, so don’t miss it! Apart from that, I think that “Klara and the Sun” is still my favourite book by this author. I also would like to read every novel Ishiguro has written so far, and I think that “The Remains of the Day” will probably be the next book by him I will read.

What did you recently finish reading?

The last novel I read was our book club pick for the month of January: “King of Battle and Blood” by Scarlett St. Clair. It was an okay read for me, I found it to be interesting, but it had a couple of weak points here and there. If you would like to know more about our opinions you can check our Goodreads group out and you can also find on the blog the playlist and the fancast we made for this novel!
Anyway, I know that I finished reading this book two weeks ago, but, in these days, reading has become a bit difficult for me. I’m probably in a sort of a reading slump, and I hope I will get out of it soon. I guess that my future readings could help me, and I’ll tell you why in the next section.

What do you think you’ll read next?

So, as I previously mentioned, I hope I will get out of my reading slump thanks to two novels. The first is the audiobook version of our book club pick for this month, “Rhapsodic” by Laura Thalassa. Audiobooks are always the perfect way to help me concentrate on the story and I can also do something else while listening to it. I still don’t know what to expect from this novel, but I’m curious anyway to know more about it. The second thing I’d like to read is the graphic novel “Lore Olympus” by Rachel Smythe. Comics and graphic novels really help me in these situations, so I think this is the perfect opportunity to read one of them and this graphic novel has definitely caught my eye, so I can’t wait to dive into this story.

So, guys, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

WWWednesday #6

Hey Readers! How are you? It’s been a long time since our last WWWednesday and I missed doing this kind of article. So, I thought that this could be the perfect moment to do another one and talk about my reading plans. We are very close to the end of November so I don’t think I will be able to post another article like this one by the end of 2021. But don’t worry, next year we will do some other WWWednesday for sure! So, without further ado, let’s begin!

What are you currently reading?

Right now, I’m ready to start reading The Wasp Factory by Iain Banks. I don’t really know much about this novel, I read the plot and it seemed very interesting. I don’t know what to expect, because I read that it’s a dark novel that follows a sixteen-year-old boy named Frank with an unconventional life. I hope I will enjoy it, even though I’m a bit afraid that it will be a heavy read.
I’m also taking into consideration whether to start reading (and listening to) the third and final book of the Nevernight Chronicles by Jay Kristoff. After the huge final cliffhanger of Godsgrave, I’m extremely curious to know how things will turn out. I have really high expectations.

What did you recently finish reading?

The last book I read was Klara and the Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. Oh Gosh, I knew this book was my cup of tea, but I didn’t know that it would be THIS great. I closed the book with tears in my eyes and a huge hole in my heart. It simply tore me apart. I will definitely post a full review next time because this novel deserves much more space in here.

What do you think you’ll read next?

Well, this is the most difficult question to answer. I’m sure that my next read will be Machines Like Me by Ian McEwan but after that I still need to decide what to read. Chances are that I’ll end up reading something different from my plans, ahahah. Jokes aside, I promised myself that I will give Six of Crows a try by Leigh Bardugo and it will probably be one of the last books I will read this year. And if it’s going to be as good as everyone says, I will have a very great time while reading it. I’m crossing my fingers, because the hype is at high levels and I have very high expectations.

So, guys, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!

WWWednesday #5

Hey Readers! How is it going with your reading plans? As usual, with this article I’m going to tell you what I’m currently reading and what I’d like to read next. So, let’s start!

What are you currently reading?

At the moment, I’m reading (and listening to) “Ruin and Rising” by Leigh Bardugo, the third and final book in the “Shadow and Bone Trilogy”. I still don’t know yet what to think about it, because I’m halfway through it, but I can say that I’m enjoying it. The Italian audiobook version is so well done and l Iove listening to it. Anyway, I can’t wait to talk to you about this novel and tell you what I think about it.

What did you recently finish reading?

I finished reading two books. One is our previous book club pick, “Ariadne” by Jennifer Saint. Unfortunately, I didn’t enjoy this novel as much as I would have liked. The writing style seemed a bit suffocating to me because there were too many thoughts and few dialogues. The story, though, was really interesting. I wasn’t familiar with what happened to Ariadne after the events of the labyrinth and Naxos, so I did enjoy discovering more about this well-known myth.
The other book I read was an Italian essay called “Sex Work is Work” by Giulia Zollino. This is a very interesting essay about what it is like to be a sex worker, which are the main clichés and what society thinks about them. It really gave me much food for thought.

What do you think you’ll read next?

I’m not good at planning, so, I’ll tell you which two books I’m definitely going to read in the next weeks. The first book I’m going to read is “Klara and the Sun” by Kazuo Ishiguro. I have such great expectations for it, I can’t really wait to start reading it. And finally, I’m going to read “The Betrayals” by Bridget Collins. This is our book club pick for August and I’m so curious to see what this book has in store for us. After reading “The Binding” in January I’m looking forward to diving into this new work. If you would like to join us and read this novel, don’t miss the chance! I’ll leave here the link to our Goodreads Group where we will discuss about the novel at the end of the month.

So, guys, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to these questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!