WWWednesday #23

Hey Readers, welcome back to the WWWednesday section! I’m pretty happy with how my TBR is going so far and even though I’m currently reading a huge and long book, I’m devouring it like no others. So, without further ado, let’s start!

What are you currently reading?

At the moment, I’m continuing my 2024 Reading Challenge and I’m already halfway through The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. This is the second book of the series and I’m loving it so much! I just can’t put it down, I have to know everything that is going to happen to the main characters. It’s full of conspiracies and politics and I’m so excited for that! I’ll let you know more about it in a future article.
I’ve also started reading “Dimentica il mio nome” (Forget my Name) by Zerocalcare, a famous Italian cartoonist. I’ve had the chance to read just a couple of pages but I’m already loving it, he’s always excellent at his job.

What did you recently finish reading?

The latest book I’ve read was our book club pick for this month, Talking at Night by Claire Daverley. I have to say that I really enjoyed it and I didn’t expect to like it this much. The story was really compelling and the relationship between the two main characters was always interesting to read. I had a great time and I’m so happy for that!

What do you think you’ll read next?

As usual, here we are in the hardest section of the three. What I’m sure I’ll read next is The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson for sure. Since I’m very invested in this story I think I won’t wait any longer and read the final novel of the trilogy straight away. And what about then? As I said in a previous article I’ll definitely make room for Beach Read by Emily Henry, and since it’s almost summertime I think it could be a great idea. And for the following reading you’ll have to wait for the next WWW.

So, this was my WWWednesday, hope you enjoyed it! If you would like to let me know your answers to the questions, please leave them in a comment down below. Thanks for reading!